Follow the rambunctious, curious and silly Mowgli on a raucous adventure through the treetops and ancient ruins of the Jungle!! This new adaptation of the beloved Rudyard Kipling story finds a child lost in the Indian jungle, where he is adopted by Baloo the Bear, Bagheera the panther, and all the beasts who call the mysterious wilderness home. This fast-paced retelling keeps you perched on the edge of your seat as young Mowgli comes face-to-face with sneaky monkeys, noisy vultures and his mortal enemy: the tiger, Shere Khan.
Melissa Thomas
Andrew G. Cooper Brittney Martens Corina Akeson* Dylan Floyde Wyatt Purcha Maddin Lidder
Zack Fernstrom
Narrator 3/Wolf 3/Bagheera/Monkey 3/Vulture 3 Narrator 5/Mother Wolf/Kaa/Monkey 5 Narrator 2/Shere Kahn/ Wolf 2/Monkey 2/Vulture 2 Mowgli Narrator 1/Father Wolf/Wolf 1/ Baloo/ Monkey 1 Young Mowgli
A new adaptation of the adorable classic story told with fun, imagination and a bit of whimsy. Rapunzel lives with her loving, yet very overprotective, Nan after her mother left across the big sea. Year after year, Nan builds their tower higher and higher to protect them from the disgraceful, scary world. Every year, Rapunzel’s hair grows longer, and so does her curiosity about the world outside. It isn’t until Rafi, a local boy, comes by and befriends Rapunzel that she finally gets the courage to be free.
Corina Akeson*
Brittney Martens Elizabeth King Dylan Floyde
Nan Rapunzel Rafi
Dušan Magdolen Jared Raschke Susan Dixon Randi Edmundson Elizabeth King Skylar Nakazawa* Morgan Benedict Denay Amaral Joel Feenstra Zack Fernstrom Selena Tobin Emily Brown
Producer Set Designer/ Production Manager Costume Designer Puppet Designer Composer & Sound Designer Stage Manager Choreographer & Assistant Stage Manager Technical Director Carpenter/ Scenic Painter Props Builder/ Install Technician Production Assistant Education Outreach/ Front of House Intern
*The participation of these Artists is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance Opera Theatre Policy (DOT).