A mysterious shipwreck. An enchanted island. A brave new world. Welcome to The Tempest, one of William Shakespeare’s most magical and inventive plays. Have you ever wanted to run away and join the circus? Ever thought life might be better on a deserted island? In the summer of 2005, Project X Theatre Productions swept audiences away on an adventure they won’t soon forget.
Following the success of 2004's The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Project X was thrilled, once again, to be offering a classic theatre work presented in an exciting new way. The magician Prospero has been trapped on a desert island for twelve long years, waiting, and plotting his revenge on those who sent him there.
Inherently theatrical, The Tempest unfolds in a series of spectacles that involve exotic, supra-human, and sometimes invisible characters. The play was composed by Shakespeare as a multi-sensory theatrical experience, with sound and music used to complement the visual atmosphere of the play. Project X played on all of these elements, creating for our audience a sensory feast. Because The Tempest is, metaphorically, about the art and magic of the theatre, the production possibilities are endless! 2005's production was set at the circus in the late 1800s; allowing ringmaster Prospero and his minions true scope in a well-loved and magical genre.
Marita Pukas as Ariel
Kristopher Bouwmeester as Caliban, Peter Evans as Propsero