Project X Theatre is now accepting submissions to audition for Theatre Under the Trees 2025.
Theatre Under the Trees is an annual outdoor theatre festival for families and a summer tradition for Kamloopsians. This summer, we are delighted to produce Thumbelina, adapted for the stage by Jakob Kopytko, and The Emperor's New Threads, by Peter Anderson and Melody Anderson.
Rehearsals and performances will be part time, on an alternating schedule. Contract dates: June 4th-July 26th, 2025.
Project X Theatre encourages submissions from those who self-identify as belonging to underrepresented communities. We strive to be a safe and supportive place to work and to grow as an artist.
More information about what performers can expect during Theatre Under the Trees can be found here. CAEA artists will be engaged under the D.O.T. Agreement. At this time, Project X Theatre is only able to consider artists from Kamloops and the surrounding region. The surrouning region may include Chase, Merritt, Ashcroft, Barriere, and other communities within reasonable driving distance. Unfortunately, Project X Theatre is unable to provide accommodations in the city for out of town performers.
About Thumbelina
(including Character Breakdown)
About The Emperor's New Threads
Please note: At this time, Project X Theatre is only considering artists from Kamloops and the surrounding region.
Thumbelina auditions will be held IN PERSON in Kamloops on January 24th and 25th. To receive an audition time and information on what to prepare, please submit according to the instructions below. Regretfully, only those selected for an audition will be contacted. Self tapes will not be accepted at this time for Thumbelina. Callbacks for Thumbelina will take place on January 25th and 26th.
The first round of The Emperor's New Threads auditions will be held ONLINE. Regretfully, only those selected for an audition will be contacted. Those selected will be asked to prepare a self tape. In person callbacks for The Emperor's New Threads will take place in mid February.
TO SUBMIT FOR EITHER SHOW (or both), please send a PDF headshot and resume to Randi at no later than 5pm on Friday, January 10th. Please use the subject line TUTT 2025 Audition. In the body of your email, please outline any experience you have with puppetry, physical theatre, dance, singing, musical instruments, and stage combat. Please also indicate which show(s) you are interested in submitting for.
If you have any questions about what to expect or how to apply, please email We hope to see you at the auditions!